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Working with Support

Contacting Support 

Getting help is simple: email Support at support@civitaslearning.com

Important: Be sure to send from your institutional email address, because support is granted based on that official domain.

Best Practices — By following these best practices, you ensure the fastest resolution to your problem:

  • Summarize the trouble: what you expected versus what happened
  • Direct us to the problem spot: provide a URL or what to click to recreate it. 
  • Screenshot the problem, if relevant.
  • Remove PII (Personally Identifiable Information: IDs, names, addresses, passwords) as possible.
  • Copy any contacts on your side that we may need to involve, such as your IT administrator. 

Support Administration Portal

Depending on your Support agreement, you may have credentials to access the Support administrative portal. This site is where all of the cases (support tickets) for your institution are available for filtered viewing and management.


Contact your Civitas team about access. If you don’t have portal access but need a report of case activity for your school, email Support.

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