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Webinars for Scheduling

These are recordings of in-depth, hour-long webinars with Civitas experts, starting with the most recent:

Maximizing Adoption by Students and Advisors
Students who use Scheduler are more likely to persist, graduate sooner, and report higher satisfaction with their institution. We discussed various communication channels including website updates, social media posts, LMS announcements, and email content from Advising/Registration. Part of the communication plan includes making staff and advisors aware and comfortable with the tool; we review recommended trainings and permissions based on the type of user on campus.

Supporting Student Success with Advisor and Administrator Tools
Course Pre-Loader and Sample Student Login are highly recommended tools to assign to Advising & Student Success Teams. The Registration Worksheet, Enrollment Optimization Engine, and Data Reports are ideal for Registrars and Enrollment Management teams. We cover recommended Configuration updates: Home Filters, Defaults Filter Selections, More Ways to Add Courses, Bringing in Additional Columns, and Re-Naming Labels/Columns/Tabs.

Maximizing Adoption by Students and Advisors

Supporting Student Success with Advisor and Administrator Tools

Promoting Scheduler and Maximizing Adoption

Administrative Tools

Promoting Scheduler and Maximizing Adoption

Administrative Tools

Integration with Banner 9
The Civitas Learning team discusses two options for integrating scheduling and registration for institutions moving to the student registration module in Banner 9. Members from our technical and customer success teams answer common questions about this transition. 

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