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Student Data FAQ

Following are the answers to most frequently asked questions about Advising information and student data.

Data Freshness

Generally, data is refreshed and backed up daily across all products, as part of the backend workflow that supports your institution.

For Scheduling, which is more time-critical, course and section data updates hourly, seat counts update with each change, and student data updates each time they sign in. Detailed logging about these transactions is kept for 30 days.

Viewing Data

Does the student summary show their preferred phone?

It’s highly likely that the phone number displayed in the summary is Preferred, but institutions may not label or map it that way. The number shown is the one that the student used to validate their login access.

Will I see if a student transferred more than once?

Yes. There is no limit to how many transfer institutions can appear in the Student Profile, Degree Information. If you do not see more than one transfer, then only one transfer is recorded in your system.

Who sees students outside their SSU?

For data protection, Advising is designed to filter student lists according to the staff member’s SSU. Even Directors can only see students that fall within an SSU that they are authorized for.

Inactive Students

Can inactive students book advising appointments?

Yes. As long as the student is still able to log in using your institution’s single sign-on, inactive students can continue to book appointments.

Which students are considered “inactive”?

There are three situations in which a student is in a status of “inactive”: 

  1. They are admitted but haven’t enrolled yet
  2. They are enrolled in a term that hasn’t started yet
  3. They were enrolled at some point in the last 3 terms

Note: The death of a student is not part of this status: they are individually removed.

When does “inactive” status change?

The system changes students to “active” on the day before the term officially starts, according to your SIS enrollment or LMS activity records. Most workflows run during the night, so the change would be done in time for the start of classes.

When are students deactivated?

Deactivated students are no longer considered Active or Inactive. Students are deactivated in these cases:

  • They have not completed a term and dropped all classes without a W on their enrollment record 
  • They have been admitted but not been enrolled in a term after one year 

Note: Deactivated students do not appear within the product.

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