Scheduling Your Plan
After working hard to organize the best course plan for the next term, you can enjoy the simplicity of pushing your planned courses into the Scheduler with one click so that you can complete registration faster.
Get to Scheduling
You can always navigate to Scheduler through the sidebar navigation, but the Scheduler button is only present on active terms with open registration. As soon as the next term is open for scheduling, a green banner runs across the top of your plan to alert you and get you there quickly:
Clicking the Schedule button pre-fills the scheduling page with the courses that you already planned out for this term.
If you added Non-Course items to your Plan, be sure to add corresponding Breaks to your Scheduler that include any travel time you need to keep free.
Ty opens his plan and sees a new message at the top of the Planner, saying that open enrollment has begun for Spring semester. He’d already talked through his choices with his advisor, who warned him that one of his courses is likely to fill up fast, so he clicks the Schedule button. The Scheduler opens, and he adds courses per his plan. To filter out times that he can’t take classes, he adds two entries to the Breaks block: MWF mornings at his grocery job, and Saturday morning workouts with his club. He clicks Schedule and gets 12 possible section combinations from which to pick for registration.
Check Course Availability
Just because you are ready to take a course doesn’t mean that it’s ready for you. Some courses are taught infrequently, and this can make it difficult for you to schedule it as you need it. To ensure the fastest progress through your degree path, take the time with the Course Search filters to research the courses on your plan so that you won’t be blindsided by these problems:
The course may
- not be offered at all in some terms
- be offered on a fixed pattern, such as only during Spring semester each year
- only have one section, so it will be critical to arrange your schedule around it
- only be offered at a specific campus, which might not be an option for you
- have a prerequisite you did not meet yet
- have a co-requisite (must be taken together), which might not work for you
Ava struggled last semester because her courses forced her to take shuttles between campuses, and that was time she couldn’t afford. This time will be different. She opens Course Search (magnifying glass icon) and looks up the advanced Astronomy course she plans to take: as she suspected, it is offered only at East Campus, where the STEM core is located. Ava looks at her other courses and makes sure that they all are offered at East Campus or online. She sees that her Art elective is not offered at East and has no online option, so she finds another Art elective that she can take online, making a comment in her plan to remind herself that she needs to lock down the online section when using Scheduler.
Track Your Registered Courses
Your plans, requirements, and course history all show your scheduled courses as “Registered”, up until the term starts. If it looks off to you, run the Update (audit). Note that this does not apply to any course equivalents you may have.
Yes, they’re locked — On the bottom left of a course tile, the Registered (empty blue circle) icon and message will show for a scheduled course until it changes to In Progress.
- If you drop the course or withdraw before the drop deadline, it’s no longer registered and you are free to move the course to another term.
- You can’t delete a registered or in-progress course from a plan, but you can move it to the term listed in the audit, if it’s different from the plan.
Update Your Plan
If something prevents you from being able to register everything on your plan, take the time to update your plan to reflect what you actually did take.
Currently, the plan information flows down to scheduling and registration, but what you end up registering for does not automatically flow back up to sync your plan.
If a scheduling conflict caused you to register a different course altogether, be sure to update your plan accordingly:
- Add that new course to your plan.
- Move or delete the course it replaced.