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Scheduling FAQ


For Scheduling on-premise with Banner, what Linux versions are supported?

Scheduling supports all versions supported by Ellucian (Banner), including Oracle Linux 8, Tomcat 9, and OpenJDK11 (required by the bridge). 

Registering for a Student

Note:  Only administrators with appropriate permissions can complete registration on a student’s behalf or submit overrides.

How are multiple override codes applied?

Override codes apply to all the courses currently being registered.  Any course in the registration attempt that does not require the override simply ignores it with no error.

If a course being registered needs multiple override codes (such as for Prerequisites and Corequisites separately) there are two ways to proceed:

  • Create one override code to cover both needs (use with care).
  • After each error (missing requirement), submit another override. If there’s an error on any course, the option to override is available for the remaining courses.


How can I remove the Term entry filter?

The term entry filter is always enabled. You need to make unwanted term(s) inactive in your SIS.

Note: The term entry filter is skipped in two cases:

  • There is only one active term for integration
  • The student selected a term in the SIS before entering Scheduling. If the matching term is active for integration, it is automatically selected, skipping the term entry filter.
“There is currently no scheduling data”

If you see this error, all the sections are probably past registration dates, so they are hidden. When no sections are active, it will report that there is no scheduling data.

How current is the report data?

Reports are updated in real time, so each is current to the moment you download the report. 

Banner — If you are using our “course demand delivery” feature that delivers reports to custom Banner tables, those are usually scheduled for once per day. However, they can be as frequent as every 15 minutes if there is a use case for that.


I got “invalid authorization token” during download

The “invalid authorization token” error happens when your session has timed out when you try to download.  Refresh the page, log back in, and download again.

Can I use Pre-Loader just to add Breaks?

Yes. You do not have to add a course or select a Term. However, if you want the Breaks to be Term-specific, specify the Term on the “add course” screen in Pre-Loader.

Why isn’t a Break appearing in Pre-Loader?

Check the name: Scheduler won’t load a break with the same name twice.  If it’s term-specific, undo the last preload.

User Management

How do I add a user in Admin?
  1. On the portal under Advanced, select Manage Users.
  2. Click Add User.
  3. Enter all the proper information, including permissions, for the new user.
How do I edit a user’s permissions?
  1. On the portal under Advanced, select Manage Users.
  2. Click Edit next to the user whose permissions you wish to edit.
  3. Check or clear the permissions you would like to manage.
  4. Click Save User.
How do I change a user’s password?
  1. On the portal under Advanced, select Manage Users.
  2. Click Edit next to the user whose password you wish to edit.
  3. Enter the new password information.
  4. Click Save User.
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