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Schedule Planner Pre-Loader

Tip: In Academic Planning, this feature is also available on the sidebar menu.

The Course Pre-Loader allows you to pre-populate courses and breaks for specific students, so that they are already selected in Scheduling when the student goes to complete scheduling and registration. 

  • Pre-loading is non-destructive. These courses and breaks being loaded will be added to each student’s existing schedule items, if any.
  • Pre-loading is reversible. You can see and undo any of your preload actions, using the audit trail history. 

To pre-load courses, start with creating your student list:

  1. Collect the IDs of the students whose schedules you need to pre-load. Have these ready as a comma-separated list to paste in, or a CSV file (one ID per line).
    • Tip: Verify that the IDs you have are correct; the pre-loader does not validate the IDs during the upload step. 
  2. Select Start New, and select which Courses to pre-load: pick the Term, Subject, and Course (which look up from the catalog).
  3. As needed, mark one or more of these courses as Required. (See the next section.)
    Step by step outline of using the Course Pre Loader wizard.
  4. Add any Breaks that need to be added for this group of students, such as for athletic team practices.
  5. Add the Student IDs for this group of students, either pasting in your comma-separated list or uploading your CSV.
  6. Review and select Pre-Load!

Best practice: Include a description so that your team members who see your preload in the audit history will understand the purpose of the preload:

Add a note in the field to help recall details about your courses and breaks that you pre-load.

Required Courses

If you mark courses as Required, students will see a “Required” marker on those courses and will not be able to delete them from view. This ensures that students see those required, pre-loaded courses in the schedule results.

Deselecting Required Courses — If no possible schedules exist that include all required courses and breaks, students may remove a required course in order to proceed with registration. The system provides multiple warnings about required courses:

  • Upon unchecking the required course, the student must verify de-selecting a required course.
  • Every time a schedule is generated without a required course, warnings appear on the home screen.
  • When viewing any schedule missing a required course, a warning appears at the top.
  • When sending a schedule to the shopping cart, the student must acknowledge any missing required courses.

Breaks — When students sign into scheduling, the breaks that you preloaded will appear, but they cannot be marked as required. These are always at the student’s discretion.

Audit and Undo

Administrators can see a summary of all Pre-Load sessions that were applied to student schedules. The Audit History page will display the date created, creator, term, students, which courses and breaks were pre-loaded, and the status. Administrators can also “undo” a pre-loaded session, which removes all pre-loaded courses and breaks for the students in that group. 

If you need to reverse a prior pre-load, do it promptly: locate it in the Pre-loader audit history list and select Undo Pre-Load from the Actions column.

Important: Undoing a preload will cause courses and breaks to disappear from students’ schedules, which can be confusing, so use with care.

Under status you can see where you can undo a previous preload.
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