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Scheduling Reports and Data

The Administration portal has Reports options, which are available as granted by your permissions.

Important: What you can see and do here depends on the permissions that you were granted. Contact your team lead if these need to be changed.

“Raw” data — Any report that includes “Raw” data exposes actual student IDs, and so these reports require you to have specific permissions granted to you through Manage Users.

Student Usage Reports

These Student Usage reports reveal how well your students are adopting and using Scheduling. These analytics provide overall totals as well as bar charts that break down totals by month and year. Because no Student IDs are exposed, you may share these reports freely.

  • Logins — The top row of graphs let you see how many students in total are logging into their plans.
  • New Users — The bottom row of graphs shows how many students are logging into their plans for the first time, which is your window into the success of your rollout initiatives.

Student Usage Data Download

Caution: Both of these reports contain Student IDs. Store and share the CSV file securely.

Raw Unique User Data 

Use this report to see all unique students and the date they first accessed the scheduling system. 

  • Student ID — The username or ID of the student.
  • Sign Up Date — The date and time when the student first accessed the scheduling system.

Raw Login Data 

Use this report to see every time a user has accessed the system. 

  • Student ID — The username or ID of the student.
  • Advisor ID — The ID of the advisor who was assigned to the student at the time of access.
  • Transaction Type — Identifies the permission level of access, either STU (student) or ADM (administrator).
  • Date/Time Accessed — The time the student logged into the scheduling system.

Course Demand Reports

Caution: The report with “Raw” in the title contains Student IDs. Store and share the CSV file securely.

Course Demand Summary Report

Use this shareable report to see a summary of how many students are interested in each course per term. 

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Subject — Subject of the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • # of Students Requested — The total number of students that have requested the course.

Course Demand Raw Data Report

Use this report to see exactly which courses each student is interested in, as indicated by them taking action to add, lock, or filter the course. This is the raw data used to produce the summary report above. 

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Subject ID — Subject identifier of the course.
  • Subject — Subject of the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • Student ID — The total number of students that have requested the course.
  • Date Modified — The date/time in which the course was last updated. This includes adding a new course, locking a course, or choosing course-filtered options.

Course Demand By Section

Caution: The reports with “Raw” in the title contain Student IDs. Store and share these CSV files securely.

Course Demand by Section Summary Report 

Use this shareable report to see how many students want one particular section, as indicated by students using the “Lock” feature.

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Registration Number — Registration Number of the course.
  • Subject — Subject of the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • Section Number — Section number of the course.
  • Instructor — The instructor assigned to teach the section, if any.
  • # of Students Requested — The total number of students who have locked this particular section in the scheduling system.

Course Demand by Section Raw Data Report

Use this report to view a list of the exact students who want one particular section, as indicated by students using the “Lock” feature. 

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Registration Number — Registration number of the course.
  • Subject — Subject of the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • Section Number — Section number of the course.
  • Instructor — The instructor assigned to teach the section, if any.
  • Student ID — The student ID of the student who locked this particular section.

Excluded Section Summary Report

Use this shareable report to view how many students have excluded a particular section, as indicated by students unchecking it in the course options screen.

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Registration Number — The unique course registration number for this course section.
  • Subject — The subject code for the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • Section Number — Section number of the course.
  • Instructor — The instructor assigned to teach the section, if any.
  • # of Students excluded — The total number of students who have unchecked this particular section in the scheduling system.

Excluded Section Raw Data Report

Use this report to view a list of the exact students who have unchecked (excluded) a particular section. This report contains student IDs. Students exclude a particular section by unchecking it in the course options screen.

  • Term — Term the course is offered.
  • Registration Number — The unique course registration number for this course section.
  • Subject — The subject code for the course.
  • Course Number — Course number of the course.
  • Section Number — Section number of the course.
  • Instructor — The instructor assigned to teach the section, if any.
  • Student ID — The student ID of the student who excluded this particular section.

Break Demand Report

Use this report to view a list of all breaks that students have created. Because the report contains Student IDs, store and share these CSV files securely.

  • Student ID — The student ID of the student who created this break.
  • Break Name — Name given to the break, which is a time slot that the student needs to avoid scheduling a class.
  • Days — Which days of the week apply to the break. The format for each day is M, T, W, R (Thursday), F, S (Saturday), U (Sunday).
  • Start Time — Start time of the break in military time (24-hour format).
  • End Time — End time of the break in military time (24-hour format).
  • Created — The date/time the break was created, in Universal Time (UTC).
  • Updated — The data/time the break was updated, in Universal Time (UTC).
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