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Registration Worksheet

Tip: In Academic Planning, this feature is also available on the sidebar menu.

The registration worksheet is a time-saver: it lets you bulk-register a group of students that need to share an identical schedule (such as for student athletes or learning communities).

The process bookends the usual use of Scheduling: you upload a list of student IDs to be scheduled, use Scheduling to build and pick a schedule that works for them all, then output a CSV file that will register them in bulk.

  1. From the Advanced menu or section, choose Registration Worksheet.
  2. Follow the instructions to upload the CSV file containing the student IDs you need to register together. This is a simple list of IDs, with no header row.
  3. Select Launch Schedule Planner and use Add Courses to fill in the needed courses.
  4. Generate and View your desired schedule.
  5. From the View Schedule page, click the Registration Worksheet button and follow the instructions to create the CSV file for registration.

Too few seats — If too few seats remain in a section that you want for your student group, you may still select the section if you know that this group receives priority access.

Worksheet as CSV

The Registration Worksheet tool outputs a CSV data file containing one row per student, with these fields:

[StudentID] [TermCode] [CRN#1] [CRN#2] … [CRN#n]
[StudentID] [TermCode] [CRN#1] [CRN#2] … [CRN#n]

Each CRN number is the unique Class Registration Number for a specific section of a course. Each row contains the data for a complete registration request. 

Submit this file for registration as appropriate for your institution.

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