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PeopleSoft FAQ


Do we need a new version for PeopleTools 8.58.xx?

The Scheduler for PeopleSoft Integration version is certified on PeopleTools 8.58.  

There is no requirement to upgrade the integration to support your PeopleTools upgrade.

To update our PeopleSoft database to Oracle 19C, do we need a new Scheduler integration?    

No. An upgrade of the Oracle database should not have any impact on the Scheduler integration.  The only possible impact is if the optimizer were to change the explain plan for the main SQL (PRJCS_EXP_HD01) for the PRJCS_CRS AppEngine program.  This can be easily overcome with a HINT to tune the SQL.  I don’t expect this will happen.  Otherwise, there should be zero issues. 

How To

I’m an advisor. How do I see the link to launch Scheduler in PeopleSoft?

Refer to PeopleSoft Admin Guide, pages 8-10. Some troubleshooting questions: Do the Advisors have security access to the Scheduler jump page (PRJCS_SCHD_STRT)? For students, that same access is provided via the PRJCS_STUDENT permission list. Typically assigned to the self-service student role(s). The advisors need that same access to see the link. Advisors need the PRJCS_STUDENT permission list to be assigned. Has that been done?

How often should we run the course build detail?

We recommend running the course build detail twice per day. However, if you need to run it outside of the schedule, you can run it manually.

How do students see a history of what they’ve enrolled for in the past?

They cannot. We don’t save any past transcripts or history of classes they’ve taken in the past or have registered for using Scheduler.

Where does the student choose the grading basis?

Grading basis is normally chosen on the step where the student imports to their shopping cart in PeopleSoft. They do not choose the grading basis in Scheduler. Since we are passing the desired schedule to your program that does the actual registration, the student will need to select the grading basis there.

How do we support students doing undergraduate and master’s degrees simultaneously?

We can show a “Academic Career” filter which allows students to schedule for one career at a time or both careers simultaneously.

Managing Terms

How do I get the next set of courses to Scheduler?

By activating and deactivating terms. When you go to Scheduler Settings from within PeopleSoft, look for terms at the bottom.

  1. Click the ‘+’ and add a term.
  2. When you’re done with a term, uncheck the button.
  3. Run the application engine to send the new term to Scheduler.
How do I manage terms?

Scheduler receives Course and Section information by gathering data from PeopleSoft using the Application Engines (see Application Engines). Seat change information is sent every minute and is controlled by the Automatic Updates inside the Admin Area (see Scheduler Admin Area, PeopleSoft Diagnostics). 

The Application Engines must run before new term data is reflected in the Scheduler. This is the case when adding or removing terms to the Scheduler Settings Panel and when term data itself changes (i.e. courses or sections are added or canceled). By default, these processes are run twice per day. 

Can we open Scheduling for a term before enrollment opens?

Yes. In the Scheduler settings area in PeopleSoft, you can select one or more termcodes to be sent to Scheduler.

How do I add a term?
  1. Click the ‘+’ icon in the terms pane.
  2. Type the Term ID in the Term field or click the Magnifying Glass to search for a term.
  3. Set the Term to Active by clicking the Active checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Run the application engines to reflect the changes.
How do I remove a term in PeopleSoft?

The Terms grid purposely does not have the minus sign to delete terms.  It is designed this way to provide a list of historical terms that have been integrated to be used for analytics.  Simply unchecking the Active checkbox deactivates the term.  If you want the term row removed, you would need to delete it from the PS_PRJCS_TERM table manually.

  1. Locate the Term you wish to remove in the Terms Pane.
  2. Click the minus sign next to the term.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Run the application engines to reflect the changes.
How can I update Terms in PeopleSoft so they update in Scheduler?

After term changes are made, the PRJCS_CRS and PRJCS_CATLOG AppEngine processes need to be run to synchronize the data in PeopleSoft with Scheduler.

Navigate to the Scheduler Processes component and initiate both AEs; they can run simultaneously. Within a minute of PRJCS_CRS completing, Scheduler should be fully updated to reflect the term changes.

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