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Generate Your Schedules

As often as you like, you can click the Generate Schedules button again to see how many possible schedules you’re getting and make adjustments.

When you’re viewing a schedule, if you spot a section that looks perfect, select the lock 🔒 icon for that section: a new set of schedules will immediately generate that include this locked section.

Compare Schedules

The Compare button appears when you refresh the schedule list. Check the boxes for several schedules and select Compare to see them in small previews, side by side. Once you find several ones to Favorite, you can compare those side by side, speeding up your decision-making.

Pro tips:

  • You can always select the Info (blue “i”) icon wherever it appears in the scheduler without losing your place or your work. This icon is a toggle that expands and collapses the detail pane for the course (section details, instructor, location, etc.).
  • View the Advanced Options: adding Class Padding (minutes between classes) will give you more manageable spacing in your classes and will reduce the number of schedules you need to consider.

Save Favorites

The Favorite (♥ heart icon) option is a timesaver.  Selecting Favorite lets you “bookmark” each schedule that you like, so that you can find and open them on demand without surfing through all of the possible schedules.

Pro tips:

  • You can store any number of Favorite schedules, so be sure to name them for easy reference.
  • If you are returning later to a Favorite schedule and see the Schedule button grayed out, that means one or more of its sections are now full or unavailable.
  • If none of your Favorite schedules are still viable, select the Generate Schedules button to find the new set of schedules that are still possible for the courses and breaks you specified, or lift some of your restrictions (such as locked or blocked sections, breaks, or extra padding between classes).

Email Schedules

Emailing your schedule to yourself, your advisor, and others is a great way to share digital copies with whoever you need. Your schedule information is summarized in a table, and you can add a note as well.

Pro tips:

  • You can only email one schedule at a time, and only from the detail view. The Email button is just left of the Send to Shopping Cart button.
  • Take the time to complete the From Name and From Email fields so that the person receiving your schedule knows who it’s for. If these are automatically filled for you, your institution has opted to have it enabled (or can choose to enable).
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