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Engage for Completion

On the Completion Insights tab, there are prebuilt Engagement Opportunities for quick access to students who could benefit from support to reach their completion goals.

Engagement Opportunities appear in order of urgency:

  • At risk: Active students predicted for high persistence yet low completion
  • Unregistered: Active students not enrolled for any upcoming term
  • Incomplete: Students active within the last 12 months, still without a credential

If there are no students matched to an opportunity, it will list “0” matched students.

Tips for refining your list:

  • Filters — Apply filters carefully so that they capture a particular student group. This way, your outreach can be thoughtfully and relevantly targeted to a known population (such as part-timers).
  • Start Term — Sort or filter by the start term to identify those who should be nearest to completion.
  • Institutional Credits Earned — Add and sort by the column for credits earned to help you target students who are closest to earning a degree.

After your list is refined, select an opportunity button to open its Student List for immediate action.

High persisters with low completion predictions

This Engagement Opportunity finds active students who are predicted for high persistence but low completion (the columns for which display together, for easy comparison). These students may be off-track for their degree programs, or they may have other intentions, such as transferring.

Advisor outreach: Download and share this Student List with the students’ advisors. They can meet with their students to assist them with registering for the right courses or to ask about their academic plans. Ask advisors to check for holds and work with these students to clear them.

Nudge suggestion: Use the Outreach button to send this group a nudge using a short mindset message, normalizing the feelings that college can be tough and sharing what “successful” students do when they face adversity (such as taking advantage of advising, tutoring, or the writing center).

Students not enrolled for any upcoming term

This Engagement Opportunity lists all active students who have not earned their credential and have not yet enrolled for any future term. Not enrolling might indicate an intention to transfer, but it might indicate other blockers that need intervention.

Advisor outreach: Download and share this Student List with the students’ advisors. They can meet with these students to clarify any intentions the students may have about transferring. For students who are not planning on transferring, advisors can start conversations to understand what barriers students might be facing in registering for their next term.

Nudge suggestion: Use the Outreach button to send this group a nudge that reminds them that they are a vital part of your institution’s community and encourages them to enroll for the upcoming term, providing links and deadlines.

Students enrolled within the last year

This Engagement Opportunity broadly lists all students who’ve been active this year: those who were enrolled at some point in the last 12 months but have not yet earned their credential. For example, if it’s Summer term now, this group includes students who haven’t been enrolled since last Fall term.

Although they might be on-task for a goal (such as transferring), they might also have stopped out and need some support to re-enroll, or they might need some form of service.

Student support outreach: Download and share this Student List with your student support offices. They can do generalized outreach, educating these students about new or changed services that are available for them.

Nudge suggestion: Use the Outreach button to send this group a nudge using a “mattering” framework. Remind these students that they are a part of your institution and that their success is important to your shared learning community.

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