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Define Your Breaks

The + Add Break button opens the page where you add a recurring, weekly break definition. Think of it as a break between classes, not a break to relax. This can be whatever time you need to block off from scheduling availability. 


  • work shifts
  • day-care drop-off/pick-up
  • athletic or music practice
  • commuting time
  • study or support group
  • extracurricular commitment

If you have required courses with limited sections, first Generate Schedules and LOCK 🔒 down any section you know you need, then go Back and add your breaks. That way, you’ll be warned if your break would keep you from seeing schedules with the section you need.

Pro tips

  • If you want to see what schedules you get without your break, don’t Delete it: just uncheck the box and select Generate Schedules. Check the box again to restore your break.
  • There is no Class Padding (Advanced Options) applied to breaks, so be sure to have the break include the travel time needed between the break activity and an adjacent class.
  • There is no locking for breaks. If your advisor put a suggested break on your plan but you disagree, you can disable or remove it.
  • If the need for a given break will go away when the semester finishes, set it to be specific to the semester, so it’ll be cleared out for you later.
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