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Data Information

Administrative Analytics admins have a direct operational view into their Civitas Learning data through the Data Information page. Metrics on the data freshness, processing, and extraction let you check the status of your instance, and the term reporting lets you see and verify the key dates in your term configuration.

Operational Data View

The predictive model used in Analytics refreshes at the beginning of each term. The Data Information page allows admin users only to verify term start and end dates, confirm that terms have switched in our systems, and ensure that data from each of your systems is being refreshed throughout the term.


    • Contact your Civitas team directly if term start and end dates are incorrect or if you have any questions about the data refresh schedule for your institution.
    • Data freshness is subject to your institution-specific Service Level Agreement, which specifies how often data is processed.

Access the Data Information page by selecting the Data Info link on the sidebar. If you do not see it, contact your team lead about your user permissions.

Verifying Term Switching

After Administrative Analytics switches to the new term, student lists will show updated persistence and completion predictions. Check Data Information to see if the switched happened:

    • For Current Active Terms, confirm that the start date for the current term has passed and is correct.
    • Check the Data Freshness timestamp. This timestamp shows the most recent date and time of data ingestion across your internal systems.
    • If the Data Freshness timestamp shows a date that is after the term’s start date, the term has switched.

Data Timestamps

The timestamps at the top of the Data Information page show the most recent instance of data ingestion across your different systems.

Time zone — Timestamps use global standard time, called UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). To convert them to your local time zone, add your offset. For example, EST (Eastern Time) has an offset of -5 hours, and PST (Pacific) is -8. Use a time zone map for a quick reference.

Hover over any timestamp to review these definitions.

    • Data Freshness — The most recent date and time of data ingestion across your internal systems. If one of your systems (SIS, LMS, etc.) has been ingested more recently, the Data Freshness date will reflect the date and time when the complete data set was refreshed. Student prediction scores are generated based on this date, which ensures we are generating predictions on the most current and complete data set.
    • Most Recent Data Processing — The most recent date and time the Civitas platform successfully processed your institutional data.
    • Institutional Data Extract — The most recent date and time your institution pulled data from your internal systems for extraction by the Civitas platform. This timestamp will only be populated if your institution provides a date in the dataset you provide for us to ingest.
    • Civitas Data Extract — The most recent date and time the Civitas platform ingested data from your internal systems.
    • Most Recent Enrollment Record — The most recent date and time an enrollment record for a student was pulled from your institution’s Student Information System. This helps ensure regular student enrollment record updates. These updates could include data such as new transfer credit details, new future course registrations, or course withdrawals.
    • Future Enrollment Record — The latest date of future enrollment pulled from the Student Information System. This indicates how far into the future we have a record of a student enrolling.
    • Most Recent LMS Activity — The most recent date and time we have raw activity data pulled from the Learning Management System for any student. This helps ensure we are receiving the most up-to-date activity data for a student.

Current Active Term(s)

The list of Current Active Term(s) provides details for terms currently in progress at your institution:

    • Term Name shows the name for the term as stored in your systems.
    • Academic Level of students included in the term data is indicated with U (undergraduate) or G ( graduate).
    • Start and end dates for each term reflect the dates we have on record for your institution.
    • Census Date reflects the day the add/drop period ends for the term. This date is important because it signals when course enrollments are stable. If your institution has provided a census date, the student prediction trend will appear after the first Civitas data workflow runs following this date. If your institution has not provided this date, the Census Date field will read “Not Available” and the prediction trend in Administrative Analytics will switch after the 14th day of the term by default.
    • Current Day in Term shows how many days have elapsed since the start date for the term.

Upcoming Active Term(s)

The list of Upcoming Active Term(s) provides the same details for upcoming terms at your institution.

The Start Date displayed for each upcoming term is the date Administrative Analytics will be switched over to reflect updated data for the new term. This data will include new active student lists with up-to-date persistence predictions and refreshed Powerful Predictors.

Important: If any of the upcoming start dates are incorrect, contact Support.

Powerful Predictor Term(s)

The list of Powerful Predictor Term(s) shows all of the terms included in the historical data set used for determining Powerful Predictors, or the institution-specific variables that are most predictive of persistence.

You’ll see a Sample Day listed for each term (usually day 14), which shows the day in the term when the data was sampled to include in the historical data set and generate Powerful Predictors.

After the term ends, when the new term progresses past the census date, you will notice them move to this list as they get added to the historical data set. The student data from these terms will be used to determine the predictive variables that surfaced as Powerful Predictors in future terms.

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