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Course History for Students

Within Advising, you can see your entire academic course history at your institution. You get a summary of this information on the dashboard, directly under Academics.

The Courses link on the Academics card opens the same page as Course History on the left menu

To view complete details, select the Courses button (which is a shortcut to the Course History menu at left) to see your GPA trend, completed course data, and information about in-progress courses.

Filtering Courses

Use the Filters panel at left to hide courses you don’t want to see, such as non-credit courses:

Change filter selections to change your course view

Tip: Use EXPAND ALL and your browser’s Find command to locate a course by name or number.

Messaging Instructors 

Locate your course and select the mail (envelope) icon next to your instructor’s name to message them.

Note: If you don’t see your instructors in the table, use the bottom scrollbar to scroll right.

If you don't see the column for Instructors, use the bottom scrollbar to scroll right

Tip: Use the Message Current Instructors button at top to quickly reach all of your teachers, such as if you have a family medical emergency. Because the system has to look up a lot of data, allow time for the dialog to open.

Downloading Courses

Use the Download button to get a copy of your academic history to keep and share. It downloads as a spreadsheet (XLSX file), which you can open in Excel or Google Sheets and format as you like. This delivers your complete course history, regardless of the filters you may have selected for your view.

Course history downloads include grades, modality, and instructors

The course information is pulled directly from the course catalog and your own student records, so contact your advisor if you see a problem. Information is also pulled from the LMS (if your institution has integrated it), so you may also see columns for logins and in-progress grades.

Important: This is not a transcript. Official transcripts must be ordered from and issued by the registrar.

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