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Course Demand Analytics

Why Analyze Course Demand?

Skip the guesswork: make the right courses and sections available for your students. 
Spend more time building optimal programs and less time chasing down data and colleagues.

Offering courses is a delicate balance:

  • When you offer too few of the right courses and sections, completion rates drop, which threatens performance funding, student satisfaction, and program/college rankings. 
  • When you offer too many courses and sections, vital resources are wasted.

Course Demand Analytics is designed with your challenges in mind, whether you’re a Registrar, Associate Dean, Department Head, or another institutional leader. It tackles hard parts of your job:

  • Anticipating future course demand 
  • Surfacing and sharing data with departments in time to make section adjustments
  • Improving fill rates by knowing what students want and need (location, time, modality)

Data becomes insight — Course Demand presents course offering, scheduling, and enrollment data so that department leaders can ensure students get the classes they need.  Course Demand shows historic and current enrollment trends, real-time fill rates and waitlists, and student demographic and preference breakdowns such as by major or course modality.  A predictive course demand forecast helps you plan future terms with confidence, and (coming soon) alerts can prompt you to action when courses hit your fill-rate thresholds or projections.

Your data is gold — The immense value of your data about past course enrollments and future plans (if you use Academic Planning) is the chance for optimizing what seats you offer: open just enough of the right sections for the right courses to get students to graduation on time. Course Demand Analytics can guide you in how to offer courses that students actually want and need, filling up sections that hit their desired time slots and modality (such as online or hybrid).

Charts into action — As with all Civitas Learning Analytics, Course Demand presents intuitive, visual charting of your data that helps you grasp and communicate the findings and take action:

  • Enrollment Trends. View historic and current course enrollments, and group or filter by course attributes: college, department, academic level, modality, course prefix, campus.
  • Capacity Analysis. View real-time course fill rates and statistics to help inform capacity planning around location, faculty, waitlist, student plans, and course modality.
  • Course Demand Forecast. (Improvements in development) Access course demand forecasts that predict the number of seats needed per course and term up to a year in advance.
  • Fill Rate and Forecast Alerts. (Coming soon) Automatically receive email and app alerts when a course fill rate is above your threshold, including by course modality, or when there is a significant change in enrollment or course demand forecast.
  • Course Trends. Access Course Trends that help you to see a broader picture of how a specific course is performing with trend data such as changes in enrollment for the course, whether the right number of seats are being offered, who usually takes the course, and how many students are planning to take it (requires Academic Planning data). 
  • Section Insights. Access insights that help you to understand section-level enrollment behavior, such as whether the course is on track to filling up, which modalities are filling the fastest, and which days and times are most popular.
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