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Athletics FAQ

For Athletics, Student Success Units (SSUs) operate like any other, with these additions: Varsity Sports filter, Athletics Groups, Coaches, and Report Center. SSUs do not track tutoring or study hours currently.

Varsity Sports filter

On the Students Advanced Search page, under Other, there is a Varsity Sports filter.

  • Select the filter’s plus + sign to have the column added to your results.
  • Check one or more boxes for the specific programs if you only want to see students in those programs.
Find Varsity Sports under Advanced Search, Other

Student Advanced Search > Other > Varsity Sports

Athletics Groups

By default, one group per each of your athletic teams is created. You can search Athletics groups on the Groups page. Use these groups for actions at the team level:

  • Messaging
  • Targeted advising hours 
  • Library sharing 
  • Announcements
Find Athletics groups under Groups

Student Management > Groups > Athletics


Coaches can be enabled as a type of Advisor, and each team can be assigned to their respective coach. The Coach Advisor field is available under Assigned Advisors in the Advanced Search across all student success units at your institution. This means that an advisor in an academic unit can search for students who are assigned to a particular coach.

Find Coach Advisors listed under Assigned Advisors

Student Advanced Search > Assigned Advisors > Coach Advisor

Coaches can also be shown on student athlete profiles.

Find a student's Coach under the Advising section of their Profile

Student Summary > Profile > Advising > Coach

Report Center

Athletics SSUs have an additional report in the Report Center, called Athletics/Team. This allows the Athletics unit to monitor status across the team:

  • Individual athlete GPAs 
  • Team GPAs
  • Grades per course
  • Credits enrolled per student 

To run this report,

  1. Open Report > Report Center > Create Reports.
  2. Select Athletics/Team.
  3. Choose your options:
    • Team: Keep All Student Athletes, or type to find the team you want
    • Term: Select the term to view
    • Report Details: GPA Ranges: Drag the sliders to adjust the GPAs and credits you want
    • Demographics: Add any additional columns and filtering you want 
Under Create Reports, select the Athletics/Team Report

Report > Report Center > Create Reports > Athletics/Team

Once the report is run, you can click student names to expand and see their courses for the term, which you can then download or email.

You can expand the details for each student and also download the report to Excel

Report > Report Center > Create Reports > Athletics/Team Report


Can we use check-in for time-tracking (such as a tutoring center)?

Advising does not have check-out recording, so it does not track time. However, you can use Events to invite groups of students to study hall hours, which tracks attendance for the event’s duration, but it does not capture how long each student was at the event.

Can Coaches use Advising too?

Yes, you can have Coaches show as an advisor type, so you can assign them to their team. You can have Athletics Advisors and Coaches as two different advisor types, if your institution needs it.

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