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Advising Reports

You can access reports from the Report panel on the Dashboard or the Reports (bar-graph icon) on the left menu:

There are four standard report types in Advising: Students, Appointments, Advising Notes, and Events. Start with these basic reports and add filter criteria for customizing your results and saving new templates.

This video covers the Reports available in Advising, as well as Advanced Search functionality:

Video: Advising Reports

Report Type: Students

Use the Students report to run reports based on student characteristics. You can use it to get information on key student populations. 

What you can do

  • Filter on students major/college and behavioral or change related items (courses: withdrawn, alert: unresolved, or enrollment).
  • Quantify the distribution of Advisor Assignments across some or all students. 
  • Find unassigned students: Run for All Students, add the Advisor column, export, and sort by Advisor to see students without an assigned advisor.

Report Type: Appointments

Use the Appointments report to run reports based on appointment details, such as advisor, session topic, status, appointment type, and display on student calendar. 

What you can do

  • Forecast what types of appointments advisors need to plan for.
  • Filter by status to quantify how many appointments were missed during a term.
  • Filter by status to quantify how many appointments are currently scheduled.
  • Filter by advisors to quantify how many appointments your team is having with students.
  • Identify which students haven’t had appointments so you can proactively engage with them.

Report Type: Advising Notes

Use the Advising Notes report to run reports based on when notes were created or updated, as well as on advising notes details such as keyword, note type, authors, session topics, starred notes, and notes with attachments. 

What you can do

  • Filter by session type or keywords (such as ‘withdrawal’) to quantify and find trends.
  • Find incomplete appointments notes, so you can nudge advisors to finish them.
  • Filter by session topic to quantify discussions being had with students.

Report Type: Events

Use the Events report to run reports based on event details, such as when events were held, student RSVP, and student attendance. 

What you can do

  • Get data to plan for future events.
  • Understand what has worked in the past to inform future planning.
  • Understand how many people are RSVPing to events and attending.
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