Advising Calendar
The Connect panel on the Dashboard pulls together the interactive tools you need to work with students:
- Calendar (appointment blocks, appointments, events, walk-ins, kiosks)
- Communication (email and SMS, announcements)
- Library (files and links to share with students)
- Directory (quick lookup of advisors and offices)
This video provides a quick overview of the Connect features available to you in Advising and shares tips on how to best use this feature to support your work with students.
Video: Advising’s Connect Options
Each day, check the Connect view for quick counts of the appointments and events you have:
Open the calendar from the Connect panel on the dashboard or the Calendar icon on the left menu.
Important: Which tabs appear on your Calendar depends on your role and permissions (such as managing the calendars of other advisors). Someone with full access, such as an Advising Director, sees additional tabs for walk-in Queue Management and for Available Appointments across multiple calendars.
Calendar View
Clicking Calendar from the dashboard will open to the Advising Calendar View. From here, you see a grid view of your calendar showing:
- Free/busy times from your synced institutional calendar
- Open appointment slots
- Scheduled appointments
- Scheduled events
How to use this view:
- Search in +Add a Calendar to include another advisor’s calendar to your view.
- Filter by the Event Type to limit what’s shown on the page.
- Filter based on student groups to find events available to a dynamic or static group.
Important: If you see a red exclamation mark ( ! ) by your name, it means that your Advising calendar is not syncing with your Google calendar. Revisit the instructions in How to Sync Calendars.
Calendar Actions
- Zoom in and out: Compress or expand the granularity of hours vertically on the calendar.
Month, week, day, today: Change the overall granularity of the calendar. - Search Calendar: At top right, search by keyword, appointment, or advisor name. This opens the List View with the list of search results.
- “i”: Shortcuts to your Settings page to adjust calendar visibility and notification preferences.
- My Calendars: Filter by events created in Advising and free/busy time being brought in from your institutional calendar, which syncs bidirectionally.
- Add Calendar: Type to auto-suggest an advisor’s name and view their calendar. Once added, that advisor’s name will appear under Other Calendars until you remove it.
- Other Calendars: View other advisors’ calendars here. Toggle visibility on/off.
- Event Type: Filter by events, appointments, appointment slots, and synced events (from your institutional calendar sync).
- Filter by group type: If you set appointment slots or events to be for specific groups, you can use this search box to filter content by student group.
List View
The List View gives you a date-sorted list of scheduled appointments, with the ability to edit and add to these items. You can see both appointment slots and those dedicated for walk-in hours.
Available Appointments
View of another’s appointment slots and schedule them. If you have the permissions to manage others’ calendars, you can search and schedule on behalf of others on the Available Appointments tab.
Attendance tracking for events. Events only show up on this page if registration is enabled on an event. Attendance, RSVP, and event Check-in tracking are available.