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Administration Portal

The Administration portal is your centralized place for reporting, registration tools, and system administration for your student-facing Civitas Learning tools: 

  • Academic Planning
  • Scheduling and Registration

Important: What you can see and do here (or on the sidebar menu of Academic Planning) depends on the permissions that you were granted. Contact your team lead if these need to be changed.

Directing Students

Here are two key ways that the Scheduling portal empowers you to intervene with students during registration:

  • Announcement Banners — Take advantage of banner messages in Scheduling to push information to students, such as to announce a registration change: Update the custom messaging on the Scheduling main screen with text you need students to see.
  • Prioritize Sections — Make use of Enrollment Optimization to manage section fill rates, promoting and demoting sections to balance your enrollments. 

Setup and Diagnostics

The Setup and Diagnostics area includes advanced options, which require additional permissions to be granted. Much of it, such as Customization and Diagnostics, is for use by your Civitas team, for adjusting and supporting your implementation.

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