Add Courses
The + Add Course button opens the page where you add your course list manually (looking up each one) via the By Subject tab. When you locate each course (first by Subject, then by Course), you select the + Add Course button, which enters it into your Courses list at right.
Pro tips:
- If you see a tab labeled “Planner” or “Planning“, select it first and see if you have a degree plan in the system that will auto-select your courses for you. If you have it, use it!
- If not, add courses by using any other filters your institution provides. These appear as additional tabs, such as Search By Instructor.
- By CRN or Class # refers to the “course registration number” for a specific section, if you know that information.
- At any point you can click Generate Schedules, just to see how many schedules fit your current choices and filters. If it’s too many, use more filtering options to narrow the set.
Lock/Block Sections
The Options (gear ) button next to each selected course does wonders to help limit your possible choices. When you open Options, you will see every section available for that course, along with who is teaching it, when and where it meets, and on which campus.
The checkboxes at the far left are the way you say Yes or No to each of the sections.
Pro tips:
- To reject a section that has the wrong instructor, time slot, or location for you, just deselect or clear its checkbox. When you rerun Generate Schedules, the unchecked sections will not display, so you’ll see fewer results based on your preferences.
- To pin a section that has the perfect instructor, time slot, or location, set the options so that you only see schedules with that section. Clear all of the checkboxes (shortcut: use the checkbox at the top) and then check the box for your perfect section. When you rerun Generate Schedules, you’ll see far fewer results.
- If your section choices restrict the scheduling options so much that no schedule populates, or the only ones are not ideal, you will need to revise what sections display or even change a course.
Add by CRN
Under Add Course, if you see a tab titled By CRN (course registration number), you can add a specific course section already identified by you or your advisor. These are added one at a time.
Pro tips:
- “By CRN” is customizable text, so your institution may have changed it to something like “Class #“.
- Adding this section effectively locks down this section: this means that other sections of the same course are excluded (Disabled) from the schedules you generate. To see more sections, open the course Options and Enable any other sections you would accept.