Student Lists for Action

Mary Connor

Student Lists help you take action by giving you filterable data on currently enrolled students. You can access a Student List several ways. Which students appear on your list depends …

Filters on Student Data

Mary Connor

Filters let you narrow down your student population based on specific characteristics. Each filter category holds columns that define sub-groups within your student population. Selecting column values you want lets …

Completion Predictions

Mary Connor

Completion Predictions give long-term insights about graduation: they predict how likely each student is to complete (earn a credential) at your institution. Can I Trust the Prediction? Just like near-term …

Paired Predictor Plots

Mary Connor

Paired Predictor plots let you combine powerful predictors to surface new insights and find precisely targeted groups of students in need of outreach. Accessing Paired Predictors On the Persistence Insights …

Persistence and Powerful Predictors

Mary Connor

Persistence is successful retention: the outcome of a student re-enrolling for a future term and staying enrolled. Persistence predictions and powerful predictors are key to finding ways to take action …