Examples: Acting on Insights

Mary Connor

Plan for Success — Work with your Civitas Learning Director of Customer Development to develop a strategic enablement plan — a plan for how you will use your Analytics tools …

Prediction Model Overview

Mary Connor

Trusting anyone’s prediction model requires essential understanding of where it comes from and how it works. This article orients you to the fundamentals of Civitas Learning prediction modeling. © Civitas …

Pre-Outreach Checklist

Mary Connor

Use this checklist before you send your next nudge. Prepare Your Nudge Identify your target student group and record the following details: Write down the number of students in the …

Analytics Advanced Topics

Mary Connor

Interpret Data Information The predictive model refreshes at the beginning of each term. The Data Information page allows admin users only to verify term start and end dates, confirm that …

Analytics FAQ

Mary Connor

Following are answers to frequently asked questions about Administrative Analytics. Why does our logo look so small? The new collapsible left-side navigation changed the dimensions for your logo to display. …